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BoreholeML - The Current Version

In version 3 of BoreholeML, the main focus was set on modelling technical data derived from the drilling process and the installation of technical equipment. Also geotechnical and geophysical data of logging and sampling have to be included in order to get a comprehensive view on borehole data. However, these data are specific for drillings and no other standard could help including them, except parts of the POSC-WITSML standard for physical data of E&P-wells [10]. The main fields of application in geological context managed by the geological surveys are hydrogeology, engineering geology, mineral resources, and mining. Borehole information from these fields normally comes with the necessary data to be included into the databases of the responsible geological survey organisation.

So, beside header information (from version 1) and strata information (from version 2), the following data were added in version 3 of BoreholeML:

Drilling details

The geological survey organisations do not keep extended files of technical details from the drilling process, however, a minimum set of details is available in most cases und useful for exchange. This includes the drilling method, the drilling tool, diameter and flushing type. The main purpose is to give estimates of sample quality and reliability of interval identification.

Filling details

Information on whether a borehole is filled or kept open is necessary to know for inspection according to the mining law. BoreholeML3 also keeps records on the material of filling and the filling interval.

Installation and casing

Most of the data relevant for hydrogeological purposes are those from test and production wells with filters and measuring equipment. BoreholeML3 therefore includes:
Description and installation date, casing type and space fill material with interval, segment and diameter, casing material and wall thickness with interval information.

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