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The Borehole Markup Language - BoreholeML

The Comprehensive and Applicable Exchange Format for Borehole Data

Geological information in general is an important basis for a sustainable development of the subsistence of all citizens in Europe and all over the world. It covers many various challenges from ensuring accessibility to natural resources, investigation for building foundation, risks of land slides and flooding hazards up to environmental problems like identifying waste disposal sites and providing information on ground water pollution.

The format has been developed in order to overcome the lack of a common exchange format for borehole data which was a significant handicap in many cross-border projects within Germany.

The interoperability of the borehole information exchange format BoreholeML3 leads to an easier and increased borehole data transfer especially in cross-border projects by means of web services.

Federal and regional authorities, universities and other research facilities can exchange their borehole data in a standardised way as well as planning agencies and consulting engineers will benefit from a standardised approach.

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